Patents: a tool for technology monitoring

Patents are the biggest source of technological information. Patents provide the inventor as a reward for innovation as an exclusive monopoly for a period of 20 years from the priority date of the invention. Because of advancements in the field of computer and internet, now these valuable documents to the general public. Any person skilled in the art can go through the patent databases available after another and felt his need. Different databases, namely patents, USPTO, EPO, JPO, etc freely open to the public. If we examine patents related to a specific technological area, we will be able to find a lot of information about the life cycle of knowledge to technological innovation.,
or the way of the development of a specific technology,
or technological development,
, Technological Diversification
Technology or merged
o The most important players in specific technological area,
o The main points of special technology
"The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), found that 90% and 95% of all inventions of the world can be found in the patents."
Patent analysis revealed valuable information, not available everywhere. Once the search is essential patents patent analysis, and it must be very precise about its objective study. The information contained in patent documents can be used differently depending on the needs and accordingly assigned to the image of the entire analysis snapshots.
Patent data can be used for the production of technological environment. Logistics math circle and can be very useful to track the technological landscape. It can show the trend of development of the technology, how it developed from a basic technology, and the period of diversification and technological. These cards also give a detailed description of the fusion of different technologies to breakthrough technologies. These types of cards are for personal use R & D to assess the state of research and technology useful, and also ways to get the latest technology and the most valuable innovations.

In today's business context to know which technologies can easily drown competitors and can try. You also need the technology space, where competition is intense, and areas where competitors focus their IP development and R & D. know you must be able to follow the acquisition of patents and development strategies, and the competitive environment . draw The technology before making any decision to review, companies must embody the rate of patent applications in technology, patents, the basic ideas of the art technologies and the vulnerability of society to know, in the case of patent infringement. This will give you the information you need to decide between technological development and technology acquisition.
The ability to extract relevant information from the patent literature involved a critical success factor for every person in the technological innovation. Technology mapping technique that is used to provide information may be transformed into knowledge of patents, which may affect the decision.
Patents are an important source of technological information that companies use in order to gain a strategic advantage. Intelligence is a technology for the collection, analysis, prediction and management of information technology can be used in the external connection, including patent information. Patent mapping computer is a methodology for the development and implementation of a knowledge base technology for technology and intelligence. The main results of the assignment of a patent is in the form of knowledge about the visualization of landscapes and maps. These maps provide valuable information on the development of technology / revolution, the nature of different types of ground-breaking, large, clean and emerging players, the state of the art analysis, etc.
These types of card technologies are proving to be a multiplier in R & D and marketing activities in various ways, including the following:
o developing additional capabilities in response to policy demands and political organization
or prediction and identification of activities and technological trends in the industry
or visualize alternative development and growth of ways available to the organization
The activation or recognition of preventive measures and potential licensing opportunities
o Identify potential customers and partners
o Identify technological breakthroughs and opportunities in their chosen technologies
o Monitoring and evaluation of process technology of competitors and potential competitors
o Support decisions about the raid and investment in clean technologies and sub-technologies-
o Monitoring of technological competitors and new entrants to the field alarm
Pickled or rooms or areas of opportunity in a dense field of technology
or a creative tool for the simulation of new ideas and create a new IP
In addition to business strategies or presentation IP
o Support for major technological projects for national and international
Support the care and technology investments and business reason

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